Hidden Wiki Onion Links

Updated Hidden Wiki Onion Links: All Working (2025)

Hidden Wiki Onion Links are your gateway to the dark web. Whether you are an explorer looking for uncensored data, privacy-focused services, or hidden groups, the Hidden Wiki is your go-to directory. But beware—while it offers access to legitimate resources, it also opens doors to the danger. Let’s uncover the updated onion links.

What are Hidden Wiki Onion Links?

What are Hidden Wiki Onion Links

.Onion URLs are websites that are part of the dark web, which is a subgroup of the deep web that is not indexed by search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. That is why you can’t access these sites using the traditional search engines. Moreover, the hidden wiki onion links do not have regular domain names and have .onion as the domain instead of the surface web domains like .com or .net.

However, these links are not registered under the domain name registry; instead, these domains have cryptographic keys, which are only accessed via software like the Tor browser, providing anonymity.

Updated Hidden Wiki Onion Links (All Working)

Onion websites are invisible to search engines and rest in the dark web and the deep web world. You can’t access these links on a regular web browser, but they are easily accessible from the Tor browser. The dark web is infamous for hosting all sources of illegal content, from buying personal data, illegal drugs, gore sites, and worse—many legitimate websites and services exist.

Here are the updated hidden wiki .onion links on the dark web, all grouped by category:

Search Engines for Dark Web

Deep Search: http://search7tdrcvri22rieiwgi5g46qnwsesvnubqav2xakhezv4hjzkkad.onion/

Torch: http://xmh57jrknzkhv6y3ls3ubitzfqnkrwxhopf5aygthi7d6rplyvk3noyd.onion/

TOR66: http://tor66sewebgixwhcqfnp5inzp5x5uohhdy3kvtnyfxc2e5mxiuh34iid.onion/

Ahmia: http://juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion/

Haystak: http://haystak5njsmn2hqkewecpaxetahtwhsbsa64jom2k22z5afxhnpxfid.onion/

DuckDuckGo: https://duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion/

The Hidden Wiki: http://zqktlwiuavvvqqt4ybvgvi7tyo4hjl5xgfuvpdf6otjiycgwqbym2qad.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

Tor Links: http://torlinksge6enmcyyuxjpjkoouw4oorgdgeo7ftnq3zodj7g2zxi3kyd.onion/


Wasabi Wallet: http://wasabiukrxmkdgve5kynjztuovbg43uxcbcxn6y2okcrsg7gb6jdmbad.onion/

CryptoStorm: http://stormwayszuh4juycoy4kwoww5gvcu2c4tdtpkup667pdwe4qenzwayd.onion/

GridCoin: http://u4embjw2uzwpdubgm72ywbmixte4kqgwurc4r4rp6elhlokutdfsy4id.onion/

B10C Bitcoin Developer Blog: http://kd6oox7aowzt5ypwdp2o5curwkgtjjzzk33ecejomm52epjr74daoeid.onion/

Bitcoin hidden full node: http://bitcoin4x427bkoozfk3uxut4cssb7ufh3fnb7phcbhpietuwrsfllad.onion/

Blockstream: http://explorerzydxu5ecjrkwceayqybizmpjjznk5izmitf2modhcusuqlid.onion/

Decred: http://dcrdata5oppwcotlxkrlsp6afncnxvw54sw6jqftc4bjytm4rn27j3ad.onion/

Mempool: http://mempoolhqx4isw62xs7abwphsq7ldayuidyx2v2oethdhhj6mlo2r6ad.onion/

Infinity: http://gyrwc2fhteu3jvpf5hywojfumxjjxplm2vkgcy4tziwpqaaz2wtirzqd.onion/

Intercambio: http://ybnc7t4gnaixrvawshppx6nauxrvyxf4nmppfk74ztqgd46q3ifjl4id.onion/

MoneroResearch.info: http://clszzn47y57uwkrgnfc7wllalvodopzqrp4spb6zbz2t3ulxngcfqsad.onion/

Start9: http://privacy34kn4ez3y3nijweec6w4g54i3g54sdv7r5mr6soma3w4begyd.onion/

Drug Marketplaces

DrugHub: http://drughub666py6fgnml5kmxa7fva5noppkf6wkai4fwwvzwt4rz645aqd.onion/

TorZon Market: http://torzon4kv5swfazrziqvel2imhxcckc4otcvopiv5lnxzpqu4v4m5iyd.onion/

Abacus Market: http://ueokpqhkj3xyyupozf4rpeapynjolzmgjyderlez7ehptm74bpkaesid.onion/

WeTheNorth: http://hn2paw7zaahbikbejiv6h22zwtijlam65y2c77xj2ypbilm2xs4bnbid.onion/

ARES Market: http://sn2sfdqay6cxztroslaxa36covrhoowe6a5xug6wlm6ek7nmeiujgvad.onion/

Cocorico Market: http://xv3dbyx4iv35g7z2uoz2yznroy56oe32t7eppw2l2xvuel7km2xemrad.onion/

Kerberos Market: http://kerberosemtkeqh7pznmv3negqhudxk5po3awdazx5fqgizttr6xeiid.onion/

EuCanna: http://wges3aohuplu6he5tv4pn7sg2qaummlokimim6oaauqo2l7lbx4ufyyd.onion/

Peoples Drug Store: http://4p6i33oqj6wgvzgzczyqlueav3tz456rdu632xzyxbnhq4gpsriirtqd.onion/

Smokeables: http://porf65zpwy2yo4sjvynrl4eylj27ibrmo5s2bozrhffie63c7cxqawid.onion/

Finance Services

The Green Machine: http://vw5vzi62xqhihghvonatid7imut2rkgiudl3xomj4jftlmanuwh4r2qd.onion/

Fish&Pal: http://56dlutemceny6ncaxolpn6lety2cqfz5fd64nx4ohevj4a7ricixwzad.onion/

Premium Cards: http://netauthlixnkiat36qeh25w5t6ljyqwug3me6nprebo4s74lzvm3p3id.onion/paypal

Hidden Wallet: http://d46a7ehxj6d6f2cf4hi3b424uzywno24c7qtnvdvwsah5qpogewoeqid.onion/

Cash Cow: http://hssza6r6fbui4x452ayv3dkeynvjlkzllezxf3aizxppmcfmz2mg7uad.onion/

Cash Machine: http://n3irlpzwkcmfochhuswpcrg35z7bzqtaoffqecomrx57n3rd5jc72byd.onion/

Onion Wallet: http://zwf5i7hiwmffq2bl7euedg6y5ydzze3ljiyrjmm7o42vhe7ni56fm7qd.onion/

USJUD: http://usjud6j75mkut5w6fxbv7xnowzt7x3ostgcb2zdgusgt3sntfualg2yd.onion/

Dark Web Social Platforms

The New York Times: https://ej3kv4ebuugcmuwxctx5ic7zxh73rnxt42soi3tdneu2c2em55thufqd.onion/

BBC Home: https://www.bbcnewsd73hkzno2ini43t4gblxvycyac5aw4gnv7t2rccijh7745uqd.onion/

Reddit: https://www.reddittorjg6rue252oqsxryoxengawnmo46qy4kyii5wtqnwfj4ooad.onion/

Facebook: https://www.facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion/

Proton Mail: https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/

The CIA: http://ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion/

Twitter: https://twitter3e4tixl4xyajtrzo62zg5vztmjuricljdp2c5kshju4avyoid.onion/

Email Services

Mail2Tor: http://mail2torjgmxgexntbrmhvgluavhj7ouul5yar6ylbvjkxwqf6ixkwyd.onion/

Tor Box: http://torbox36ijlcevujx7mjb4oiusvwgvmue7jfn2cvutwa6kl6to3uyqad.onion/

ALT Address: http://tp7mtouwvggdlm73vimqkuq7727a4ebrv4vf4cnk6lfg4fatxa6p2ryd.onion/

Keybase: http://keybase5wmilwokqirssclfnsqrjdsi7jdir5wy7y7iu3tanwmtp6oid.onion/

DNMX: http://dnmxjaitaiafwmss2lx7tbs5bv66l7vjdmb5mtb3yqpxqhk3it5zivad.onion/

ChaTor: http://chatorcvcl25nskltysozugy36pplnrwpbgwovh6mbwwzy2bzgq2hkyd.onion/

Cock.Li: http://rurcblzhmdk22kttfkel2zduhyu3r6to7knyc7wiorzrx5gw4c3lftad.onion/

Onion Mail: http://pflujznptk5lmuf6xwadfqy6nffykdvahfbljh7liljailjbxrgvhfid.onion/

Secret Onion Mail: http://2nxpboa3ya52j5au4gxwkdt4nxoh5g4y4f3tuqedlza46y35jmv6doid.onion/

Adamant: http://adamant6457join2rxdkr2y7iqatar7n4n72lordxeknj435i4cjhpyd.onion/

Black Hat Chat: http://blkhatjxlrvc5aevqzz5t6kxldayog6jlx5h7glnu44euzongl4fh5ad.onion/

JabJab.de: http://jabjabdea2eewo3gzfurscj2sjqgddptwumlxi3wur57rzf5itje2rid.onion/

Cockmail: http://xdkriz6cn2avvcr2vks5lvvtmfojz2ohjzj4fhyuka55mvljeso2ztqd.onion/

Other Hidden Wiki Onion Links

Leftchan: http://leftychans5gstl4zee2ecopkv6qvzsrbikwxnejpylwcho2yvh4owad.onion/

Super Bay: http://suprbaydvdcaynfo4dgdzgxb4zuso7rftlil5yg5kqjefnw4wq4ulcad.onion/

Crypto Storm: http://stormwayszuh4juycoy4kwoww5gvcu2c4tdtpkup667pdwe4qenzwayd.onion/

Comic Book Library: http://nv3x2jozywh63fkohn5mwp2d73vasusjixn3im3ueof52fmbjsigw6ad.onion/

Imperial Library: http://kx5thpx2olielkihfyo4jgjqfb7zx7wxr3sd4xzt26ochei4m6f7tayd.onion/

Archive.today: http://archiveiya74codqgiixo33q62qlrqtkgmcitqx5u2oeqnmn5bpcbiyd.onion/

Bible: http://zqktlwiuavvvqqt4ybvgvi7tyo4hjl5xgfuvpdf6otjiycgwqbym2qad.onion/wiki/Bible

The Swiss Bay: http://swissbaync5d7ykaz7dh7v4qjrb4gmen5aj3bogxrcgbb43ij34bjuyd.onion/

ARK: http://ark.goodgamell762ckqk376pqtg7ltdhgtvsvk32m7im2v5ntd3o33ylbqd.onion/en

Image Hosting: http://uoxqi4lrfqztugili7zzgygibs4xstehf5hohtkpyqcoyryweypzkwid.onion/

Dump Li: http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/

Ransomware Group Sites: http://ransomwr3tsydeii4q43vazm7wofla5ujdajquitomtd47cxjtfgwyyd.onion/

Secure Drop: http://sdolvtfhatvsysc6l34d65ymdwxcujausv7k5jk4cy5ttzhjoi6fzvyd.onion/

The Guardian: http://xp44cagis447k3lpb4wwhcqukix6cgqokbuys24vmxmbzmaq2gjvc2yd.onion/

Deutsche Welle: https://www.dwnewsgngmhlplxy6o2twtfgjnrnjxbegbwqx6wnotdhkzt562tszfid.onion/en/top-stories/s-9097

Zero Bin: http://zerobinftagjpeeebbvyzjcqyjpmjvynj5qlexwyxe7l3vqejxnqv5qd.onion/

Dread: http://g66ol3eb5ujdckzqqfmjsbpdjufmjd5nsgdipvxmsh7rckzlhywlzlqd.onion/

How do Hidden Wiki Onion Links Work?

When you access the hidden wiki onion link through Tor (The Onion Router) encrypts your connection and redirects it via three or more random series of nodes before data reaches a site.

  • The entry node certainly knows your IP address (or your VPN server’s IP address).
  • The middle (or relay) node stops the exit node from finding out which entry node you used and makes it very hard to relate any data between the two.
  • The exit node knows what site you are connecting to but does not know your real IP address.
How do Hidden Wiki Onion Links Work

Each series of nodes adds a layer of encryption and replaces your IP address. This is planned to make your connection more anonymous and secure. However, it takes your data much longer to travel this way, which means dark web links load slowly as compared to indexed websites.

What are Hidden Wiki Onion Links Used For?

Onion URLs are used for a variety of purposes, but the most common are privacy and anonymity (both for users and service providers). It is almost impossible to track the activity on Onion sites, including the identities of people who use them. So, it makes the dark web world an upbringing place for illegal activities.

However, onion links can also be used for legal determination. Like offering access to data and independent journalism in countries with government censorship. Like activist whistleblowers, journalists, and others use the dark web to communicate securely with sources and news organizations.


Q: Are the Hidden Wiki onion links illegal?

Ans: The hidden wiki onion URLs are legal to browse if you do it for educational purposes and you don’t access it for any illegal purpose. The link mentioned above may not be legal, so it is better not to browse those links.

Q: How to access onion links?

Ans: To access the hidden wiki onion address, you need a TOR browser. Here are the steps to use the TOR browser to navigate to the onion URL.

On your Windows, Mac, and Linux systems

  • Download the TOR browser from the official website.
  • Open the file that you have installed and follow the on-screen prompts to install the TOR browser on your system.
  • Now open the Tor browser and click on the connect button on the Tor.
  • Wait for a while to establish the connections and browse the dark web.

On Mobile

  • Download the TOR browser app from the official website.
  • Open the file that you have installed and follow the on-screen prompts to install the TOR browser on your phone.
  • Now open the Tor browser and click on the connect button.
  • Wait for a while to establish the connection.
  • After that, you will see the onion icon in the status bar and then browse the dark web.

Q: Are hidden Wiki onion links dangerous?

Ans: The hidden wiki .onion websites are not really dangerous but could be when you access unfamiliar or suspicious links. Most cybercriminals and malicious actors use the dark web to execute illegal activities. So, you must be cautious and stay safe while exploring the hidden wiki links.

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